Mads StrChordMaj1 a1,7,9 Mads StrChordMin1 a1,7,9 Mads Panflute a1,5 Mads Wood xylophone a1,7 Mads Heavy String 2 a8,6,5 Mads Kettle Drum 1 a2,8 Mads Heavy Drum 1 a2,9 Looped WindHowl.2 SonixLead PM - Modulation String The depth of sea - You are surrounded by walls of darkness. Thousand tons of frigid water are lying above you. You feel the overcoming exhaustion - and then you hear the call of the Nymph Queen. I fear that song didn't come out as good as i hoped.. It was done with ST3, and i better should use my Easytracker. Quick greetz: Martist, Ink, Alpha(AXL)+Pitbull(LD) (Hey, get friends again!) Skaven, Marvin (thnx 4 smp) Diz was my 2nd element sng.